About Us

About Us

The GeoML Group

We are scientists, engineers, and students all enthusiastic about using Machine Learning and Data Science in geochemical studies of reactive transport on multiple scales, as well as in development of "Digital Twins" of relevant objects and phenomena.

Our History

We have more than 30 years of R&D experience in the field of radioactive waste disposal, with expertise in chemical thermodynamic databases, codes and modelling, multiscale-multiphysics simulations, high performance computing, and related software development.

Our Mission

We aim at making the methods and software behind the buzzwords such as ML and AI really useful and used in geochemistry, supported and provided by GeoML PaaS and SaaS. PaaS (Platform as a Service) provides JupyterHub servers; SaaS (Software as a Service) are (web) apps for solving various user tasks in "no code" style.

Who We Are

The core of the Group is building around scientists working at the Laboratory for Waste Management of the Paul Scherrer Institut [CH], and at the affiliated groups at SCK CEN [B], BRGM [F]; others involved in EURAD [EU] projects: DONUT, ACED, FUTURE, MODATS, MAGIC; and PREDIS [EU] on related topics.

The GeoML servers are maintained by CONGINEER [CH]